Eurovision 2015 Preview: Norway

When I first heard this haunting ballad, I was baffled as to why it had such great reviews. Yes, the video was well styled with its spooky theatrical vibe, but the song seemed quite boring. However, it is another song that has grown on me and I now appreciate its musical quality shining through! I also love these lyrics:

“To find the prince you thought you found in me

I better set you free and give you up

Just wave and say goodbye and let you leave

Without a monster like me”

It’s not my favourite for the win but I imagine it will score highly with the juries for being a classic song with a dark overtone. These two had good chemistry on stage in London too, so replicated on the night I think Norway will place well. I love Debrah’s voice too, what a gem.

My score: 8/10

Prediction: Will qualify, top 10 in Final

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Malta

The song is pretty boring until the ‘BREAK!’ at 0:43 and then it kicks off properly. Amber brings a feisty vocal to an empowering song, and I like it. Many comparisons have been made between the two ‘Warriors’ this year, and I think Nina Subatti edges the battle. Nevertheless, Amber has a great voice, but I feel the song will get lost amidst this semi final and may only just scrape through at best.

My score: 6/10

Prediction: Will just fail to qualify (too early in the running order and not a memorable enough performance)

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Montenegro

My perception of this song has completely changed since seeing Knez perform live at the London Eurovision Party. Before, I dismissed it as a pretty average Balkan ballad, but after his rousing performance last Sunday I have grown to kinda almost like it. It is much better on stage, with the stompy spinny dance thing which really encourages the audience to get into it; the song builds and everyone ends up chanting along! Not bad at all.

My score: 5.5/10

Prediction: Will qualify, mid table in Final (gets the Balkan vote)

London Eurovision Party 2015: A Few Thoughts

A week ago, Cafe de Paris in the heart of London’s entertainment district, played host to one of the major preview events on the annual Eurovision calendar. A number of acts from across Europe (and beyond) gathered for a circle of media interviews and live performances, to hone their wide range of talents and pleasure the crowds who had turned up for a night of European fun. It was certainly a fantastic night, and the perfect appetiser for the real thing taking place in just a few weeks!

After having to depart from the 2014 event with three acts still to go, I was pleasantly surprised to find the evening ran a lot more smoothly and compactly than expected. No rushing for the night bus and hourly train from Victoria!
The night had some bemusing performances, (namely Kitty Brucknell with her Gaga-esque image and Eurovision fusion set), some mediocre performances (Latvia’s Aminata I don’t really rate – far too quiet for half her songs) and some downright fabulous performances (yep, Guy Sebastian totally owned the stage through his set). Many of the entries have really grown on me since seeing them live – I think John Karayiannis is mega sweet and has a cute song, and The Makemakes whom I had previously sidelined made me think  ‘wow, Austria could genuinely win it two years in a row, the song is great!’. It was really a privilege to see so many of the acts, but I do have to say Sweden remain the most likely winner. Måns Zelmerlöw and ‘Heroes’ just seems the combination most likely to grab the votes of the casual audience on the big night. He did give a great performance.
Here is a little compilation video of just some of the acts from last Sunday:
Måns Zelmerlöw (Sweden)
Guy Sebastian (Australia)
Electro Velvet (UK)
Mørland & Debrah Scarlett (Norway)

Eurovision 2015 Preview: San Marino

There are so many duets this year! And I don’t mind duets except this one brings to the contest a highly forgettable and melancholic ballad, and yet another sickly sweet pairing. All credit to Anita and Michele being the youngest entrants this year, but I feel their participation will be short lived. With their early position in the second semi final, I doubt the song will progress any further than this. Sorry San Marino, but this is no Valentina!!

My score: 3/10

Prediction: Will not qualify

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Ireland

I really rather like this. It is a classic, elegant coming of age ballad that Molly performs with great poise. If this can get through the semi, I can see it doing well in the Final if it comes at the right time in the running order (after a load of up tempo numbers). I hope the staging does this song justice – Molly at the piano and nothing else. She has a great voice and talent, and I hope Europe appreciates that. Much better Irish entry than last year’s dismal effort.

My score: 7.75/10

Prediction: Will qualify, top half in final

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Lithuania

The best bit about this song is the opening few chords….and then it just goes downhill from there. I am most certainly not feeling love when I hear this. The song intends to be a saccharine sweet love song but, to me, it’s just a jumbled up sour mess of so-called music. I am pretty sure this will be relegated to the very margins of Eurovision history. Even worse than Ell/Nikki. Forget it already!

My score: 2.5/10

Prediction: Will not qualify