Eurovision 2015 Preview: Slovenia

This one has consistently been in my top 5 since I first started listening to the entries for 2015. It has since slipped but remains firmly in my top 10. I would love a good result for Maaraya; the husband/wife duo seem so sweet together and the song is really contemporary and cool. She has a great distinct voice accompanied by a clearly defined look going on with the white lacy dress and headphones. This will surely qualify and could be Slovenia’s highest placing since Maja Keuc in 2011.

My score: 8.25/10

Prediction: Definite qualifier. I (S)love it!

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Cyprus

I completely dismissed this one at first for being quiet and boring. But how wrong I was! It has really grown on me, and having seen John perform live at the London Eurovision Party, I was very impressed with the charm and sophistication that he exuded. The performance is simple and this will stand out in Vienna amongst other more dramatic acts. Check out his version of ‘Diggi-loo Diggi-ley’ too!!

My score: 7.25/10

Prediction: Will qualify

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Switzerland

Switzerland have fielded a song this year that just really hopes to qualify. There is nothing particularly special about it, especially considering the number of female performers this year. I like the feistiness that Melanie has in the video, and the positive message of the song. But we all know it isn’t going to perform highly on the night. The staging is nice but nothing exceptional. Qualifier and mid table at best.

My score: 6.5/10

Prediction: 50/50 qualifier. Going later on in the running order may just make the difference.

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Sweden

The favourite to win in Vienna. And a worthy winner it would be. The song starts out like an old country tale, then kicks in with Europop. The lyrics are clever, the staging and choreography excellent. Mans is a charismatic performer,moving well on stage and he was a resounding favourite when he performed at the London Eurovision Party. This will undoubtedly be Top 3 as will garner votes from the juries and public alike. Maybe the only thing stopping it from winning is an early position in the running order or Swedish fatigue! As a nation, Sweden have done exceptionally well (and rightly so) in recent years and some fans have expressed tiredness at the propsect of them winning again so soon after Loreen! It makes for a very interesting night, come 23 May.

My score: 9/10

Prediction: Definite top 3, probable winner

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Iceland

This is possibly my least favourite entry of 2015. It’s so unoriginal. Maria Olafs just seems to be copying Emmelie de Forrest with her song, her style, everything! That may have worked back in 2013 but Europe does not want/need this again. I find this song very irritating. Not a fan.

My score: 2/10

Prediction: Will annoyingly qualify – it is catchy

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Azerbaijan

I am a big fan of this song, even though it is slightly predictable for Eurovision. I love the feel of it, the way it builds and the charisma that Elnur brings to the performance. Conceptually, this should work very well in Vienna. I’m picturing a white and gold colour scheme, candles, smoke, backing vocalists and more, all bringing the song to it’s choral climax! What seems ironic is that Azerbaijan won the contest with its worst entry to date, and whilst I don’t see ‘Hour of The Wolf’ winning this year, top 3 is certainly achievable.

My score: 8.5/10

Prediction: Definite Qualifier

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Latvia

I like the concept and originality of this year’s Latvian entry, and Aminata is certainly an intriguing performer. However, the reality of the song is that the verses are boring and then suddenly there’s a shriek of ‘YOUR LOVE!!’ which at times is rather unpleasant to the ear. I was not too impressed seeing this performed live at the London Eurovision Party. Aminata was really quiet for the majority of the song, mumbling and low. I could not ascertain what she was singing. I hope she will be clearer in the actual contest. But overall, this one does nothing for me. Give me Aarzemnieki anyday!

My score: 4.5/10

Prediction: Will qualify through originality

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Israel

Ok, I actually love this! It starts off like a nostalgic wailing ballad then suddenly changes and becomes a contemporary ethnic dance number that would be perfectly at home in the clubs of Europe. There is no other song like this in this year’s contest and it just puts a big smile on my face. “I’m a golden boy, come here to enjoy, I’m the King of Fun, Let me show you how we do it.” Simple lyrics but effective. I’m sure it will get the crowd going, but I just wish it could be a bit longer than 3 minutes!!

“‘Ok, three minutes, bye bye”

My score: 7.5/10

Prediction: Too fun not to qualify

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Czech Republic

This was another entry that I had managed to sideline when I first started listening to all the songs. It didn’t stand out or make me want to carry on listening. After seeing Marta and Vaclav together at the London Eurovision Party, I was pretty impressed and I give them full credit for creating an engaging and charismatic performance. It still isn’t anywhere near my top 10 but it is alright! I am glad the Czech Republic are back in it and I would like to see them go through, although being placed in the tougher semi final will not make it easy for them. An angsty dark and dramatic number, should go down well on the night.

My score: 5/10

Prediction: Will qualify (just!)

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Portugal

This song makes you lose the will to live halfway through. It’s a bit of a dirge and Leonor sounds like she’s constipated or something. The styling also makes her look a lot older than she actually is. The whole set up is just not working well. I think it’s a shame because usually I love the Portuguese language entries, and using the native language probably still is the best thing about it. It is just the song itself that is below par. Portugal are clearly not in it to win it.

My score: 4.5/10

Prediction: Will not qualify