Eurovision 2015 Preview: United Kingdom

What on earth have they done to the staging for this?!!! It is tired, dated and just so amateur. The backing singers are out of tune when they yell ‘Dance’ and Bianca and Alex (who has no stage charisma whatsoever) look so uncomfortable on stage. With a song like this, more energy needs to emanate from all the performers. The video and the performance at Eurovision’s Greatest Hits were much better. Whilst the 6 performer only rule does restrict the staging somewhat in Vienna, I just think more could’ve been made of the backing screen and the amazing technology on offer. I had always pictured like a neon glow in the dark backdrop showing a flash mob Charleston! Anyway, rant over. This song will be lucky to avoid nil points.

My score: 4/10

Prediction: Not the worst song but arguably the worst performance/staging. Will be bottom 3 surely.

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