Eurovision 2015: Congratulations Sweden!

Well, there we have it!! Sweden have won the 60th Eurovision Song Contest! In the end, it was the result most people predicted, as well as the top 5 and top 10 that many did too. After such a long show, I actually found the voting part pretty exciting. It seems the producers had very cleverly arranged the voting order so as to increase the drama and tension between who would win out of Sweden and Russia. I was very glad Sweden overtook Russia when the UK announced their votes, and judging from the audience reaction I was not the only one!

Furthermore, I am just SO thrilled that Belgium did so well. I love Loic Nottet and ‘Rhythm Inside’ – it is just the sort of performance, styling and concept that Eurovision needs more of. Something contemporary and relevant to the current music scene. Sweden also fit this bill, as did Latvia who came a fantastic 6th place. Very happy with the top 10 generally too – Israel, Norway, Australia etc all deserved high finishes!

I was not so keen on Italy being such a favourite. I personally don’t think the song was anything out of this world, so I am quite shocked that based on the televote alone Italy would have been the winners! But they gave a very strong performance as did Russia so kudos to them both. For me, they would not have helped take the contest in the direction it needs to go if they had won. I feel now we have returned to what Loreen started when she won with ‘Euphoria’. Although I wonder if next year, a lot more acts will be playing with interactive staging and then something very simplistic will win. We will see.

I also think next year, perhaps only 8 songs should qualify from each semi in order to make a slightly reduced final as 27 songs did feel rather long last night. This would also eliminate some of the iffy songs that creep into the final.

As I am from the UK – one last word on their performance. It was so amateurish and poor compared to all the others. I am surprised it managed to attain 5 points. The BBC need to take it seriously, and attitudes need to change amongst the UK population. Sending a credible performer and a current song next year will hopefully work somewhat towards beginning to alleviate the problem. I would perhaps use a show like The Voice as a medium for choosing the act, or at least have a combination of producer and public selection.

Only time will tell. In the meantime, I look forward to keeping up to date with some of the acts from this year – what music they release etc. And I look forward to the beginning of selections for Eurovision 2016!! Got a while to go yet but it will be upon us before we know it!!

Eurovision 2015: My Top 10

So, here we are! Saturday 23 May 2015. The day of the GRAND FINAL of Eurovision! A day that hardcore fans have been waiting for with great anticipation and intrigue since Conchita took home the trophy just over a year ago.

The Swedish meatballs, Daim cake, Mozart balls and Tim Tams (+ lots of vino!) are at the ready for this evening’s shenanigans. I am yet to see the contest live but do the best I can watching from home, with the added benefit of a comfy sofa and loo!

Here are the 10 countries and performances that I would award my points to, if I was a nation and allowed to contribute.

*drumroll please*

1) My favourite entry for 2015 that deserves twelve points is….BELGIUM!

I LOVE this! It is the most contemporary song in the contest, wonderfully sung and wonderfully staged. Loic is extremely talented for such a young performer and I would absolutely love him to win tonight. Regardless of the result though, this will be a hit across Europe (it has already featured across the continent in iTunes charts since the first semi final). I have liked this since I started listening to all the entries, and I was very impressed that Belgium had chosen something so relevant to today’s music scene.  Douze points and a lot of love from London to Belgium!

2) 10 points to….LATVIA!

Well done Aminata. The staging of this was so captivating when I saw it on Thursday. I was drawn to it from start to finish, and it was just so fresh and original. I wasn’t really a fan of it until seeing it on the stage but now it is right up there! This is a dark horse tonight, especially performing 19th and offering something a bit different to the drearier ballads surrounding it. I think Top 5 is possible if the audience at home connects with it like I did.

3) Eight points to…..ISRAEL!

It’s such a shame Nadav is performing 3rd tonight, as this would have been perfect to rejuvenate the tired audience in the 2nd half of the show. This is the funnest act of the night, and I love the ethnic, middle Eastern vibe throughout. 10 years ago or so, there was a lot of this type of song and now this is the only one so it really stands out. The lyrics are great fun, and it always has me singing along so yes, I’m putting it above Sweden!

4) Seven points to…SWEDEN!

Sweden is the heavy favourite to win tonight and I fully expect it to do so. The staging is ace and makes clever use of the back screen and camera angles. It’s a great anthemic Euro pop song, and is the most generic entry to garner votes from across Europe. For that reason, I am less of a fan of Sweden than the more individual performances we are graced with from Belgium and Latvia. However, it will be a worthy winner of the contest and if Malmo 2013 is anything to go by, they will host a bloody good show next year!

5) Six points to….SLOVENIA!

I really like the Slovenian entry this year and this could give them their best ever result at Eurovision. Marjetka and Raay seem such a sweet couple, and the song they have come up with is modern, fresh and catchy. The staging is pretty low key but not bad. I like the white dress and headphones combo! Performing first will set the potential of this to do well back a bit  but in my opinion, Top 10 is achievable and well deserved.

6) Five points to…..AUSTRALIA!

I have liked this song from the beginning, and in fact it was top of my list for a long time. I love the strength and tone of Guy’s voice, and the soul vibe of this song. What prevents me from giving it a higher number of points is the somewhat disappointing staging. From watching rehearsal footage, Guy just looks awkward wearing the blazer,and the backing dancers add very little to the ensemble. A proper band would’ve been more suitable. I have also not been sure of how most of the European audience would react to Australia being in it. Will people embrace them and vote, or will they resent their participation? Who knows. I think they deserve points because it is a bloody good song and instantly catchy.

7) Four points to….. AUSTRIA!

I didn’t like this one originally but when I properly gave my attention to it, I was very impressed with the classiness of the song. It is backed up by an understated yet stylish performance, and it will be performed just before the plethora of ballads so may just escape the viewer fatigue syndrome. I don’t think Austria will place any higher than mid table but they are one of the only groups in the final so this may work in their favour.

8) Three points to…GERMANY!

Ann Sophie has a great voice, and this is a classic pop sing with a quirky twist. I have liked this since I first heard it, however I doubt it will do that well tonight as it isn’t really different or memorable enough to really stand out. From rehearsals, I have seen that this song has been delivered strongly which should stand well with the juries. That is more than you can say for the weak live performances from Azerbaijan and Albania in their semi finals (they would have been on this list prior to seeing them perform) which made me reassess my top 10 somewhat!

9) Two points to…. CYPRUS!

I am a big fan of songs that are simple and delightful amidst a host of cluttered and colourful ones! John Karayiannis gave us 3 minutes of pure sophistication and charm on Thursday night. It is a cute song and he sang it very well, so here’s hoping he picks up more than a few points tonight!

10) One point to…..NORWAY!

I’m generally not keen on duets in Eurovision (of course, Slovenia are technically a duet too) but when they have a superb song and a strong performance like Morland and Debrah Scarlett have then it is hard to ignore. This is really a beautiful and a dramatic song, ideal for the Eurovision stage. No fuss has been made of the staging, it is simple to allow the singers to do what they do best. Well done Norway. This should be Top 10.

Alas, there are other songs that I rather like. Russia and Greece are both performed very well with excellent staging. Azerbaijan and Albania are songs I like but I have cooled on them since their dire performances in the semi’s. I like the tune of the UK entry (just not the actual performance!) and Serbia are good fun!!

Whilst Russia and Italy are up there in the bookies faves, I am less keen on them both as winners. But we will see tonight what occurs. I expect Sweden to come away with it, and if so, bring on the dancing meatballs and Petra Mede in 2016!

Eurovision 2015 Preview: United Kingdom

What on earth have they done to the staging for this?!!! It is tired, dated and just so amateur. The backing singers are out of tune when they yell ‘Dance’ and Bianca and Alex (who has no stage charisma whatsoever) look so uncomfortable on stage. With a song like this, more energy needs to emanate from all the performers. The video and the performance at Eurovision’s Greatest Hits were much better. Whilst the 6 performer only rule does restrict the staging somewhat in Vienna, I just think more could’ve been made of the backing screen and the amazing technology on offer. I had always pictured like a neon glow in the dark backdrop showing a flash mob Charleston! Anyway, rant over. This song will be lucky to avoid nil points.

My score: 4/10

Prediction: Not the worst song but arguably the worst performance/staging. Will be bottom 3 surely.

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Italy

This is a dramatic corker of an opera ballad. The video reminisces famous film love story moments, and the staging in Vienna is very strong and Romanesque. I am sure this will do well, even though it has now been given the ‘everyone’s already drunk/asleep/switched off the telly’ death spot at the end (didn’t do Molly any favours last year!). Personally, I think this song is overrated and it is not original or interesting enough to keep me intrigued. But kudos to Il Volo for bringing a classy and top quality performance to close the Grand Final.

My score: 7/10

Prediction: Overrated. Top 3 at best.

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Spain

Eeeeeioooo! Eeeeeiooo!! God, that’s quite irritating. The amount of times Edurne does that wail is countless. And yes, it is kinda catchy but at the same time, it’s annoying. I haven’t liked this song that much since I first heard it. The video seemed quite pretentious and OTT. Fortunately, the staging in Vienna is a lot better although more needs to be made of the interaction with the dancer as most of it is just Edurne wailing in a cape. Doesn’t do much for me, sorry.

My score: 6.5/10

Prediction: Seems to be quite popular and has latterly position in the running order so potentially Top 10.

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Germany

Well, I have quite liked ‘Black Smoke’ from the beginning. It’s a classic pop song with a bit of a twist, performed by Ann Sophie who brings a bit of feistiness to it all. As for the staging, it’s sensible but fits the song and mood of the piece well. Performing 17th is not so great. By this time, most of the favourites will have performed and I don’t think Germany will do anything to knock them off the top of people’s lists! But I rather like it, and hope Ann Sophie does well regardless.

My score: 7.75/10

Prediction: Likely to be mid to bottom of scoreboard.

Eurovision 2015 Preview: France

France. Completely discounted until Vienna. The staging is impressive with arguably the best backdrop of the night. It really brings the ballad to life, which is always sung flawlessly by Lisa Angell. They will be performing in the deathly 2nd spot so it is doubtful as to how well this will fare in the voting. I think this is certainly worthy of being on the left side of the leaderboard but it lacks that je ne sais quoi to take it beyond that.

My score: 6.75/10

Prediction: Left side of leaderboard at best.

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Austria

Austria could be a dark horse this year. Perhaps not for an Austrian double victory but top 5 is not out of the question. This song is so classy, and the staging is simple yet effective. It had been under my radar for quite a while, yet recently has sailed up in my list of favourites. The Makemakes will be performing at the end of the up tempo first half and before the show gets soiled down by ballads, so this may work in their favour.

My score: 8.5/10

Prediction: Pure class. Deserves top 10 finish (or higher!)

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Australia

This has been one of my favourites since all the entries were released. Guy Sebastian absolutely slays with his vocals, they are always on point. I love the soul vibe that ‘Tonight Again’ has, which gives it a bit more depth than a standard Euro pop song. Whether European audiences are pleased to have Australia in the contest or not, this should fare well and a top 10 finish is expected. I am not as keen on the staging from having seen the rehearsal footage. I think Guy should lose the blazer and I think an actual band with instruments would’ve been better than backing dancers that don’t really add much to it (it all looks a bit Bruno Mars-y). Guy doesn’t need them prancing about in the background with a voice like his!

My Score: 8.5/10

Prediction: Top 10 finish

Eurovision 2015 Preview: Poland

Yawn. This song is going nowhere and I have nothing more to say beyond that. The song is nice enough but I would never ‘choose’ to listen to it. It is forgettable fodder to close the second semi final. The staging of it is pretty, flowery and sweet but if this qualifies from the stronger semi, I will be very much surprised.

My score: 3/10

Prediction: Not a qualifier.