Eurovision 2015 Preview: Denmark

When I first heard the Danish entry, I thought it was a bit naff and old fashioned. Denmark usually put in a strong contender and this is just an average pop number that doesn’t really go anywhere. Anti Social Media are sort of a poor version of Softengine (who were my faves last year) Despite this, I have to say the chorus does make me smile and I kinda think this will still make the final just because it’s Denmark. It’s a simple song and it does grow on you as its goes along. It will be one of the only bands this year so will offer a reprieve from all the duets and female soloists at least! I would get rid of the backing singers for the contest, makes it really dated.

Random observation – the lead singer looks quite a bit like Freddie Fox (British actor).

My score: 6.5/10

Prediction: Will just about qualify

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