IT’S FINALLY HERE! THE EUROVISION FINAL! It’s like Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year! And this year it has been better than ever! So many good songs, and great artists. Whoever wins and whatever happens, a massive cheer and clap for all involved.

As the final running order has now been decided, there have been endless debates about who it benefits and who will have absolutely no chance. It’s annoying that we have to analyse it so much, you would think the best song should technically win from anywhere! But alas, 13 of the last 15 winners have come from the 2nd half so it is important. This year, quite a few of the bookies faves (Armenia, Sweden and Austria) are performing 1st half which would imply Hungary, UK and The Netherlands have the upper hand being near the end. For the UK though, dead last is not ideal. No one has ever won from there before! Based on that, if I had to bet on a winner, I’d maybe go for The Netherlands as their staging is fabulous, they are bound to get high jury votes and they have been placing in the charts across Europe. I’d also favour Spain and Denmark to do well, as they both have great songs and are in prime positions.

I have so many favourites this year, so I’m going to be pretty nervous and excited tonight! Here is my personal top 10:

1) Finland – love love love these guys. Topi is incredible, sounds much older than their age. Would love them to produce a shock win but highly doubtful. Really looking forward to their album coming out though.

2) Switzerland – yep, Sebalter’s charm has got to me. Really like this happy song! A bit of whistling and a fiddle has never been so good. Again, would love a miraculous shock victory.

3) UK – an anthemic show closer that I fear will be cursed from its last spot. Would absolutely love the UK to win though. Very well staged. Go Molly!

4) Greece – best party song, rise up and dance! They seem like great guys too.

5) The Netherlands – best staging of the night, simplistic and sophisticated. A dangerous not-so dark horse to win. Great position in running order.

6) Spain – dark horse to go all the way? I’d be pretty happy if it did. Ruth sings it amazingly well and I prefer this to ‘Undo’.

7) Hungary – a strong entry performed very well by Andras. Arguably best placed in running order, but I fear it will be left out in voting.

8) Denmark – bubbly and infectious pop from the Danish Bruno Mars. Can Denmark do the double? Well staged but jury vote will bring this down I think. Basim is so cute though 🙂

9) Norway/Malta – sorry, can’t decide! Rather like both! The latter could be another very dark horse, maybe not to win but to make top 5.

10)Sweden/Austria – These are two of the favourites but whilst they are very good songs, I find them a bit predictable. Cannot help but join in the buzz over Conchita though, it would be a very emotional and symbolic winner for sure.

Special mention also to Montenegro – what a lovely guy Sergej is! He just makes me smile 🙂

I actually quite like Germany’s Elaiza, yet most of the fan community seem to pan it. I think it will get lost in the final.

Italy sounds great on cd, but the staging of this is just awful. Emma doesn’t seem comfortable with the look, why didn’t they stick to something like the video? I expect this to be bottom 5.

Quite like Armenia, but not a winner for me. Wasn’t impressed with the semi final performance. How is this considered a top favourite?

Erm, anyone else I have forgotten? Probably. There are quite a lot to get through, and my opinions on them have all changed since we first heard them many moons ago. I just realised I have used the word ‘dark horse’ rather a lot here, but that’s kind of what happens when you over analyse everything – everyone could randomly win from nowhere OR it could end up being the most predictable runaway winner ever. So much depends on the staging, running order and regional voting! Ahh well, less than 3 hours to go now so need to start on the evening’s food and beverages – Swedish themed (stereotypical meatballs, daim and kopparberg) – is that a sign?




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