Slovenia, Anyone?

And we have arrived at Slovenia! One of the most forgotten about nations in Eurovision I feel. They have never registered high up on the Eurovision radar, and have never managed better than 7th place. It is about time they stepped up to the mark and had a taste of Eurovision glory!

My absolute favourite Slovenian entry has to be from 2011, with the song ‘No One’ performed by Maja Keuc. The comparisons with Cristina Aguilera abound, but Maja really was one feisty and funky chick. She put in a great performance, sung brilliantly and really went for it. I love her voice! I think a 13th place was really far too low for what Slovenia deserved this year.

Maja was channeling the gladiatorial vibe earlier donned by Ruslana, and now being taken on somewhat this year by Mei Finegold and Cristina Scarlat – don’t mess with these ladies! But Slovenia in 2014 have instead gone for a more traditional pop song sung in a mix of Slovenian and English. Tinkara Kovac will represent her nation with ‘Round and Round’. I think this is an average piece, pretty forgettable and lacklustre compared to some of the showstopping numbers that will be her competition. It is pleasant enough, but lacking any punch so I cannot see it doing that well.




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