Congratulations AUSTRIA and Conchita Wurst, winners of Eurovision 2014! A great performance, superbly staged and a worthy winner. It was not my personal favourite but I am happy enough with the result. A very symbolic victory in celebration of tolerance and acceptance, and poignant that it garnered votes from the jury and televote across the continent. It was pretty close throughout the voting period, with The Netherlands right up there until a few countries from the end when it was announced that Austria could no longer be beaten.

It was Austria’s first victory since 1966, a very long drought that has finally been ended. They had actually pulled out of the contest from 2008-2010 after dismal results, and indeed did not see results improve when they returned. Anyone remember the wonderfully named Trackshittaz from 2012? So just goes to show persevere and it will finally come!

This year, the standard of songs was so high, and I hope this continues into next year. Currently, there are 22 Eurovision songs in the UK iTunes top 100, which is fabulous and shows that Eurovision is becoming more credible in the eyes of many and not just a novelty show. Whilst the character of Conchita and that beard can be considered a ‘novelty’ by many, the song and performance were very good so it does not detract from the win as much as say a Lordi winning again.

I am very pleased that The Netherlands came second, for me it was the best staged of the night and the most original song. The last two years they have entered fabulous songs that offer something different to the rest, so I am excited to see what they bring for 2015.

Sweden 3rd, Armenia 4th, Hungary 5th and Ukraine 6th all proved that the bookies predictions came right on the night. They were all decent songs that deserved to be placed high.

Very disappointed for the UK. They were the only favourite that failed miserably to get into even the top 10. I think certainly that performing last in the running order was not helpful. By that time, viewers are either asleep/drunk/tired and it just seemed a bit flat and forgettable. The best period of the show to perform would’ve been 18-24th probably. But to be fair, the standard of songs was so high that many of the votes were split and each place was only separated by a few points, so a 17th place sounds worse than it actually was. I hope Molly does not take it too harsh on herself as I thought she performed it well and it was a great song!

Glad that my personal favourites Finland and Switzerland did well. I would never have thought that Switzerland would beat the UK. So happy for Sebalter and the Swiss guys! It apparently came 7th overall on the televote which is good that he was so well received. Finland seemed to score quite consistently too, very pleased for Softengine who I think should have a great future ahead of them.

Top 10 finishes for Denmark, Norway and Spain also very commendable. This year, the balance of Western and Eastern Europe in the top 10 was pretty even, and once again the Scandinavian bloc have done remarkably well.

I think above all, what stands out for me this year was the amazing staging and technical/lighting effects used. The production values were second to none. I really liked the Interval performance of ‘Rainmaker’ when Emmelie de Forest was joined on stage by all the participants. All the flags looked amazing, it was like an Olympic ceremony! It was the first time this has happened in the contest’s history and signified the ‘Join Us’ slogan well. The dancers gallivanting about the water on the stage was fascinating, I had not realised it was so deep! A very memorable act and more than anything, showed that it’s not all about winning and victory but taking part, having fun and being a part of something wonderful and unifying.

Oh, and this made me laugh tremendously when they showed a clip of this!! Highest note ever in Eurovision History!








IT’S FINALLY HERE! THE EUROVISION FINAL! It’s like Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year! And this year it has been better than ever! So many good songs, and great artists. Whoever wins and whatever happens, a massive cheer and clap for all involved.

As the final running order has now been decided, there have been endless debates about who it benefits and who will have absolutely no chance. It’s annoying that we have to analyse it so much, you would think the best song should technically win from anywhere! But alas, 13 of the last 15 winners have come from the 2nd half so it is important. This year, quite a few of the bookies faves (Armenia, Sweden and Austria) are performing 1st half which would imply Hungary, UK and The Netherlands have the upper hand being near the end. For the UK though, dead last is not ideal. No one has ever won from there before! Based on that, if I had to bet on a winner, I’d maybe go for The Netherlands as their staging is fabulous, they are bound to get high jury votes and they have been placing in the charts across Europe. I’d also favour Spain and Denmark to do well, as they both have great songs and are in prime positions.

I have so many favourites this year, so I’m going to be pretty nervous and excited tonight! Here is my personal top 10:

1) Finland – love love love these guys. Topi is incredible, sounds much older than their age. Would love them to produce a shock win but highly doubtful. Really looking forward to their album coming out though.

2) Switzerland – yep, Sebalter’s charm has got to me. Really like this happy song! A bit of whistling and a fiddle has never been so good. Again, would love a miraculous shock victory.

3) UK – an anthemic show closer that I fear will be cursed from its last spot. Would absolutely love the UK to win though. Very well staged. Go Molly!

4) Greece – best party song, rise up and dance! They seem like great guys too.

5) The Netherlands – best staging of the night, simplistic and sophisticated. A dangerous not-so dark horse to win. Great position in running order.

6) Spain – dark horse to go all the way? I’d be pretty happy if it did. Ruth sings it amazingly well and I prefer this to ‘Undo’.

7) Hungary – a strong entry performed very well by Andras. Arguably best placed in running order, but I fear it will be left out in voting.

8) Denmark – bubbly and infectious pop from the Danish Bruno Mars. Can Denmark do the double? Well staged but jury vote will bring this down I think. Basim is so cute though 🙂

9) Norway/Malta – sorry, can’t decide! Rather like both! The latter could be another very dark horse, maybe not to win but to make top 5.

10)Sweden/Austria – These are two of the favourites but whilst they are very good songs, I find them a bit predictable. Cannot help but join in the buzz over Conchita though, it would be a very emotional and symbolic winner for sure.

Special mention also to Montenegro – what a lovely guy Sergej is! He just makes me smile 🙂

I actually quite like Germany’s Elaiza, yet most of the fan community seem to pan it. I think it will get lost in the final.

Italy sounds great on cd, but the staging of this is just awful. Emma doesn’t seem comfortable with the look, why didn’t they stick to something like the video? I expect this to be bottom 5.

Quite like Armenia, but not a winner for me. Wasn’t impressed with the semi final performance. How is this considered a top favourite?

Erm, anyone else I have forgotten? Probably. There are quite a lot to get through, and my opinions on them have all changed since we first heard them many moons ago. I just realised I have used the word ‘dark horse’ rather a lot here, but that’s kind of what happens when you over analyse everything – everyone could randomly win from nowhere OR it could end up being the most predictable runaway winner ever. So much depends on the staging, running order and regional voting! Ahh well, less than 3 hours to go now so need to start on the evening’s food and beverages – Swedish themed (stereotypical meatballs, daim and kopparberg) – is that a sign?




Review of Semi Final 2

How good was the second semi final?! Very high standard, very intense and very unpredictable!! Here is my review:

The second broadcast from Copenhagen began with some interesting conceptual dance, which did its job as ‘let’s start the show with something arty’ well. Then we had the usual rigmarole from our hosts before finally the acts began! I have to say, the hosts are lacking some of the charisma and personality of the Swedes last year. Why can’t Petra Mede host it every year?!

Malta – A lovely little opener, this song has a good message that many can relate to and it was performed very nicely indeed. The lead singer Richard had good charisma with the camera and the whole ensemble worked well. However, it didn’t go much beyond being ‘nice’ and was lacking that winning quality. The piano on stage looks like something from my school days! Definitely glad that it qualified but not my favourite.

Israel – Lots of fans on social media are pretty annoyed that Mei Finegold did not qualify. I had expected her to sail through, as her song was feistier and edgier than the usual Europop, and from rehearsal footage it seemed well staged. She gave a strong performance vocally, but perhaps it did lack that wow factor. I thought the intensity of the lyric was a bit lost on such a big stage. Also, in hindsight maybe second verse and chorus being sung in Hebrew was a mistake I think as it disconnects most of the audience, not allowing them to quite ‘get’ the piece.  It seemed to go down very well with the fans in the arena though and like Estonia, I’d imagine this would’ve just missed out though and come 11th, which is a real shame for Mei and Israel.

Norway – Well, this was a lovely performance. Nice atmosphere created with the smoke and line of violinists. Similarly staged to Sweden, with the lights from above and the audience phone lights! My only issue with Carl’s song is that it takes a while to get to the crux of the song, and may appear a bit of a durge at first. Maybe it would work better if song length could be more than 3 minutes. All in all though, a strong entry that certainly deserves its place in the final.

Georgia- Three Minutes of Noise! What was this? A Rebekah Brooks lookalike wailing away and a random parachute on stage! I am very glad Europe did not put this through. There are ‘novelty’ songs that are fun, and then there are novelty songs that are just painful. This was the latter, and I don’t even think it was supposed to be a novelty song. Oh dear.

Poland- Another dreadful entry in my opinion. Polish rap does not come nicely to my ears, and the provocative dancer performing sexualised household chores just made me uncomfortable. I am aware this song is supposed to be a parody, and not meant to be sexist, but I think when you are singing in a language that the majority of the audience do not understand, this message will undoubtedly get lost. And presenting your dancers in such a pornified manner just sends the opposite message. Not a fan of this, how did it qualify?

Austria- ahhh Conchita Wurst! She went down a treat in the arena, didn’t she? Fabulous performance! I have to say, I thought the song was very predictable and a bit boring at first, but it really all comes together on the night and I rather like it. Not a winner for me personally, but the staging is pretty damn good and I am sure this sailed through to the final!

Lithuania- ATTENTION! This song is one to avoid! I took my compulsory loo break during this, as the whole thing was just a mess. Bad song, even worse staging. Was Vilija trying to look like some sci-fi ballerina? Relieved this one did not go through.

Finland- Soft Engine have rapidly become one of my top favourites this year. I instantly liked ‘Something Better’ but since seeing their performance I like it even more. It was slick, well sung and nicely staged. I just think they offer something completely different this year, the only rock song. People say it is not ‘Eurovision’ but that is just stupid. Do you really want 26 europop songs and cheesy ballads? Very happy Soft Engine are through, and I love Topi – amazing talent.

Ireland- Wasn’t a fan of this initially, but had thought it would go through purely because it was Ireland. I was therefore quite glad when it failed to qualify, just because I found the riverdance elements and Irish instruments very tiresome. The song is boring, and what on earth was with the Romanesque staging? It just didn’t fit at all.

Belarus- a big YAY for a slice of cheesecake! (Although Teo doesn’t wanna be called that). I really liked this entry, I thought it was contemporarily staged and very catchy. I expect it will fail in the final, but well done Europe for putting it through anyway!

FYR Macedonia- Well, Tijana did not quite reach the sky with this performance. I thought it would qualify, as the song had been well received by fans. However, based upon her performance I am glad it didn’t. Tijana sang poorly and the staging was just odd. The man in the white hoody was just bizarre! What was the supposed significance of it? Just looked like he’d wandered on stage by mistake. Big no no from me.

Switzerland- Oh Sebalter, I do love you. How charismatic and cute was he performing ‘Hunter Of Stars’? I really liked the staging, the red and gold, and the exciting pyro start! So he doesn’t have the best vocals, and I kind of preferred his outstretched arms (like he’d done prior to the contest) to the drum at the end. But regardless, I am so happy that Switzerland qualified!! Great achievement.

Greece- Loved this! It had my Mum instantly dancing around the lounge. Best clubbing anthem and just makes you want to partay! Big fan of these guys since seeing them in London too. I had thought the trampoline would be an annoying gimmick but they actually only really use it at the end so it’s not distracting but actually rather effective. Greece always send a good song and qualify, this year is no different.

Slovenia- I had a feeling this would qualify as it’s one of those songs that kind of strangely grows on you. It’s actually not bad, and the flute is quite memorable and different. Prefer this to Ireland so glad it went through over that one, but god knows why Tinkara has to dress like the Wicked Witch of the West?!

Romania- I had been a little hesitant about this one, as from rehearsal footage the staging just looked a bit lame with the circular piano and the butterflies. But it was actually a really good closing act, and exceeded my expectations. Paula and Ovi have been remembered in my house (other family members who do not follow Eurovision) from the ‘Playing With Fire’ days so I was impressed! Another one that was always going to qualify, and so it did!

After all the acts performed, we had the usual run through and pleas to vote (Switzerland and Finland *ahem*) then a performance by Australian artist Jessica Mauboy. Now, I know the Aussies love Eurovision and everything, and it’s really nice that we can include them in this way but I’m not sure I want it to become a regular thing. It was just a bit average in my opinion. I actually preferred the fan segment afterwards where they brought on people from around Europe to perform on the stage. Making good use of the #JoinUs slogan!

Then to end the show, we had the voting of course. Which had to be delayed by a few minutes as Jon Ola Sand was NOT ready, which gave the viewers an awkward moment when the host didn’t really know what to do or show, so we just had ANOTHER run through of the acts (pointless now as voting had closed) but oh well, the joys of live tv! Let’s hope it all runs smoothly on Saturday night.



Review of Semi Final 1

So, Eurovision 2014 is officially underway! First semi final has been and gone, and all in all I thought it was a pretty good show. I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms today so watching the semi back and simply waiting for tomorrow night. Aaah, the life of an obsessed fan!

Here are the performances from the first semi final, and my views on them.

The night began with a performance of ‘Only Teardrops’ by Emmelie de Forest. She was joined onstage by a virtual global choir of people who had submitted their parts via social media. They all collaborated together to sing part of the song, and also this year’s slogan ‘Join Us’. Copenhagen are really leading the way when it comes to being innovative with fan media and such like. It was a nice concept and an alright performance, but I thought Emmelie struggled a bit vocally.

Then our hosts for the evening appeared on stage, all three of them. I somehow thought we had had this format since Baku 2012 but I think I heard the BBC say this was the first time! Anyone care to clarify for me? Am I going mad? One of them was from the tv series Borgen, which I have yet to see (although I am halfway through The Killing)

They fortunately did not faf about too much, and spoke no French or Danish! I guess everyone speaks perfect English in Denmark anyway so no need to, and to be honest translating it all into French is just too longwinded. Apologies Francophiles!

On to the performances sharpish. I liked the postcards that introduced each song, they were quite creative and original, especially Suzy who painted herself as part of the Portuguese flag, and Hersi getting the Albanian eagle tattooed on her back – ouch! I also must commend the technical team in Copnehagen for the amazing lighting effects that they have produced for all the acts. Really very impressive and innovative. I really enjoyed the staging and camera shots, especially those that panned around the audience from the viewpoint of the artist – very effective.

Here we go with each of the entries:

Armenia – I found Aram’s performance a bit lacklustre but maybe that is just because I had such high expectations of him due to the favourite status. The staging was good, especially in the dubstep part, however I do feel a bit more movement would be beneficial on stage. He is a bit static and the whole thing just needed a bit more oomph! I was watching with family members who were new to all acts (a good gage) and they found it a bit boring. It seems others agreed as Armenia have now slipped to 2nd favourite with the bookies.

Latvia – One of my personal favourites! It is just so much fun, and the guy that yells ‘A Piece of Cake!’ is hilarious! I have been humming this song an awful lot over the weeks, and I really wish it had qualified just for the pure joy it brings me. They all looked like they were having so much FUN on stage!

Estonia – Tanja should enter the next series of So You Think You Can Dance! Her routine was very good (apparently she had been rehearsing it for 2 months) but I do have to question whether the vocals were all her own. Anyone else see three figures dressed in black to the side of the stage? It wouldn’t be the first time acts have sneakily hid vocalists! Anyway, Estonia were a surprise non-qualifier. I feel it may have been because Tanja failed to engage with the audience, it was more like we were all watching a dance audition than a song. I think she must have been one of the entries that literally just missed out. Jon Ola Sand revealed today that 10th,11th and 12th place were only separated by 3 points!

Sweden – It was quite strange to have both the contest favourites performing so early on! Out of the two, Sanna came out on top as the bookies odds now reflect. The staging was great, I loved the cone lighting effect and the camera shots of the crowd from behind Sanna. My only criticism is that the song is too predictable and Sanna’s theatrics towards the end a bit too OTT. It is a big arena filler though, and deserves to place high, just not my ultimate fave.

Iceland  –  well well well, Iceland have qualified! The most colourful performance of the night, it was full of fun and has a great message of inclusivity. I did not think it would get through at all but the televote must have carried it to the final. Here’s to no prejudice!

Albania – This may have been the ‘toilet break’ song for many people. Hersi’s performance was not up to scratch for many reasons. The song seems to have little structure, and the staging is poor. What is that ugly monstrosity she is standing on? I had maybe thought it was a random dark horse to qualify but I think the answer to that was a definitive no. And I am glad.

Russia – I was quite impressed by Russia. The Tolmachevy sisters seem like sweet girls, and I feel sorry for them being booed as it is not their fault, hope they do not take it personally. The performance had a lot more energy and punch than I thought it would. I am not a fan of gimmicks on stage, but the seesaw and the joint hairpiece were actually alright – not sure about the dressing gowns they were wearing though! The ending is nice, when the sun comes out to shine. Thumbs up from me.

Azerbaijan – Yawn. I found this rather boring. Dilara just seemed like a Davina McCall lookalike lost on stage with a random trapeze artist flying about above her. Best thing was probably the lighting effects (cityscapes, flames etc) but really, this song is nothing to write home about. Always a dead cert to qualify as it is Azerbaijan though.

Ukraine – We seemed to have a consecutive run of countries who always qualify – Russia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine. Mariya is apparently one of the favourites but I can’t see how this is justified. ‘Tick Tock’ is just a generic pop song, and I find the staging very irritating. Hamster wheel? Seriously? I didn’t think it gelled that well and I just hope other acts do not fall behind because Europe are merely voting out of sympathy for Ukraine and their current crisis.

Belgium – This was odd. As Dr Eurovision said on the BBC3 broadcast, it was a bit ‘Norman Bates’. Opera songs usually don’t go down that well at Eurovision, especially not distinctly average ones about mothers! Bye Bye Belgium!

Moldova – I liked this on cd and had wanted it to qualify, but the performance was a bit strange. I didn’t get the significance of the hair extension or those dancers, which is a shame as Cristina’s voice is so unusual and powerful that she deserved better. MERCY, I HAVE NO FEELINGS OF MERCY! Love that bit.

San Marino – Valentina finally got through to the final! YAY! Very happy for her! The performance itself was standard 1980s cruise ship and I can’t see it doing well in the final but for now, let’s just be happy for San Marino and Valentina making history!

Portugal – My family were waning by this point after a succession of ballads, but Suzy got them going again. A very fun, vibrant and colourful performance which went down very well in the arena. I guess the juries ultimately ended Portugal’s hopes of qualifying which is a shame as for me, a good Latin pop number is always welcome in a Eurovision final.

The Netherlands – This was simply BRILLIANT. I cannot believe how I (and many others) had overlooked The Netherlands prior to this. Sure, the song has always been nice but I guess country never goes down well at Eurovision. But hey, Eurovision is evolving and changing, and The Netherlands showed this with the success of Anouk last year with her song which was very unique. The staging for The Common Linnets was very effective, I especially loved the road marking effect at the beginning. Ilse played the camera well, and the mood of the song was translated well through the lighting and camera filters. It also came at a great time in the show, near the end and after an upbeat number thus making it really stand out for its simplicity and sophistication. The song has now charted across many countries in Europe and has shot up in the betting odds, so will we be off to Amsterdam in 2015?

Montenegro – Another act who made it through to the Grand Final that I am so pleased for! Sergej seems like such a nice guy, he has one of those faces that always looks happy. Well done to Montenegro! The performance was pleasant enough, but I thought the roller skater was unnecessary. Trying to channel the success of Dima Bilan perhaps?

Hungary – This is one of my favourites. I thought Andras had a lot of stage presence and worked the stage well. I like his casual clothing, just jeans and a simple black top. Good use of the walkway (not many artists even used it last night) and an effective ending where Andras intercepts the dancers to protect the girl. I hope new listeners understand the theme and content of the lyric. It is more than just a contemporary pop song, it has charisma, a story and I liked the ‘come on’ Andras yells towards the last chorus. Energy! We have not had a solo male winner since 2009 so is it not about time for another one? Andras would be my pick of the men for the win.





Preview of Semi Final 2

So, semi final 1 is done and dusted, throwing up a few surprises along the way. I had completely discounted Iceland as a qualifier and was surprised Estonia did not make it. It seems The Netherlands are on the up, and Armenia falling behind. Sweden still going strong.

Let us look to Thursday night, for the second semi final which features a very strong line up. Yet more tough picks to be made, and here are the 10 countries I would like to qualify (in no particular order)


This should go down well, with its tribute to soldiers (and many others who are forced to spend time away from home), both those who are lucky enough to return and those who don’t and cannot. The song itself is good and a little bit different (country folk pop!). The back lighting is quite poignant, with what looks like poppy fields. Being the centenary of the WW1 outbreak this is quite fitting. Firelight would be a worthy qualifier in my eyes.


Mei Finegold is one feisty funky lady, and I really like this song. It’s a catchy Europop number with added punch. Rehearsal footage looks good, and fingers crossed this will go through without any problems.


‘Silent Storm’ is a beautiful ballad, one that I like more and more each time I listen to it. The performance will be subtle and stylish, with just Carl Espen and a pianist on stage. The lighting effects should convey the mood of the song well. It’s the male equivalent of Sanna Nielsen, and another dead cert to qualify.


I really like the guys from Soft Engine. This is a proper rock number, the only one in this year’s contest and it sounds really contemporary, a bit Coldplay-esque. The staging looks good, but I do hope Topi manages to engage the audience a bit more than he seems to in rehearsal. I know that’s his style but Europe needs to feel the song!


Ok, I love Sebalter and this song. It’s so fun and catchy! Switzerland have a dreadful record at qualifying for the final but this is a much better tune than they usually have. Please Europe, vote for the amazing whistling, fiddle playing and charm that Sebalter will bring to the stage!


Another highly contemporary number, this could place in the UK charts right now. Freaky Fortune and Risky Kidd will rise up and grab a spot in the final. The trampolining we have seen in rehearsals should be a memorable addition. I am not generally a fan of gimmicks but this one may work rather well. The performance should get everyone raving along. If there’s an afterparty, leave these guys in charge.


Paula Seling and Ovi will close out the show, with their Europop number. It’s pretty good, and Paula hits some fabulous notes. Not too sure about the circular piano, the performance in rehearsal just seemed a bit disjointed with it. However, I am very confident this will qualify, Romania usually do and this duet is a popular act amongst the crowd.


Anyone fancy some cheesecake? I quite like this song, it’s current, catchy and a bit of fun! Plus, Teo seems like a nice guy. I don’t actually expect it will qualify, as it’s performing 10th and seems to have been panned a lot in fan polls. Still, I’d take this over Poland or Georgia!!


This song has grown on me since the first listen. I did think it was terribly boring but it seems to be polling pretty well. With a strong performance and a bit of punch, I think it will go through. The traditional Irish instruments never fail to go down well at Eurovision.


I am torn between these two. On the one hand, we have Conchita Wurst who I’d like to see go through because it will be a symbolic celebration of diversity, tolerance and acceptance (rather like Pollaponk proved last night). The issue I have is that the song is very predictable and yet another ballad. So, in a way I’d rather have the groovy Tijana in the final, pumping up the volume with ‘To The Sky’. Although being realistic, I expect both will qualify, and one of my faves won’t (sob!).






Preview of Semi Final 1

Right, it is just under two days until the first semi final gets under way! Cue MUCH EXCITEMENT! I feel like I have been immersed in the world of Eurovision for weeks and weeks now, and FINALLY it is here! The trouble is, I have overdosed on the entries so much, I have got to the point where I kinda like them all. (Well, not quite all of them. I don’t think Georgia or Poland will EVER appeal!) But it does make predicting who is going to do well so much harder, as I have a bit of a biased ear. At this stage, it is helpful to play the songs to acquaintances, friends and family etc who are new listeners and can give a first judgement. This ultimately is what the majority of voters will be doing on the night itself.

So, with a view of Semi Final 1 I have compiled a list of the 10 songs that I would personally like to qualify (i.e. not those that I ultimately think necessarily will). I am an awful decision maker so to chicken out I have put them IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER. And no doubt, when I see the finished product on the night, I will change my mind and suddenly become the biggest fan of a song I previously overlooked.

Here goes:


Aram is performing first, and he is the favourite to win it all. If he doesn’t qualify, would that be the biggest upset in Eurovision history? I like the song, although I think to ‘new’ listeners it may take a while to grow on them. The two parts to it may seem little odd at first, starting out very repetitive and slooowww and then unleasing power and angst to the dubstep beat. It’s above all a quality song and Aram will give a performance to match so he will sail into the final.


How nice is it that Sanna Nielsen finally got to represent her nation at Eurovision, after all those attempts in the Melodifestivalen! I really wish her all the best, surely it would be the perfect triumph if she went all the way to the title. She is indeed one of the favourites to do so. ‘Undo’ is a classy, powerful ballad, and I really like the melancholic feel of the piece. Sanna will give a stunning performance of it I am sure. This is a dead cert to qualify.


I am a big fan of this song. The theme of child abuse is something unseen in Eurovision I think, and it makes such a refreshing change that a song is taking on a serious issue and not just singing about love or love or love….. Andras will be last on in the first semi final, so bringing a strong finish to the show. Thumbs up to this, another deserved qualifier.


Now this is a nation with a superb Eurovision record, and 2014 will be no different. Dilara Kazimova has a very good ballad here, and she is rising up as one of the favourites. If this doesn’t qualify, then something has definitely gone wrong. Personally, I do find it a bit boring despite the exceptional vocals. The trapeze artist has also irritated me in rehearsals, I am not a fan of gimmicks and think it detracts from the song. But trapeze or no trapeze, we will see it being performed again come Saturday night.


It seems rather a lot of the favourites are all crammed together in the first semi final. Armenia, Sweden and Ukraine! Mariya Yaremchuk is another entrant tipped to finish highly. This funky pop song is very catchy and deserves to be in the final. Ukraine are another nation that tend to do very nicely indeed, and I am sure this year will be no different. Watch out for another gimmick though, this time a hamster wheel.


From rehearsal footage, Estonia were one of the performances I really liked. Tanja seems to combine great vocals with ‘amazing’ dancing. It looks stunning! The song itself is pretty generic but still good and I’d like to see it progress.


Yes yes, I know this is a novelty act about baking cakes but hey, I love cake and these guys seem really cool. This probably gets my vote for song most likely to hum after listening to it. I think from now on, every time I try my hand in the kitchen I will let out my inner Aarzemnieki and yell ‘We’ve got a CAKE TO BAKE!!!!’ It’s fun, I like it. I hope Europe puts it through!


I like a bit of novelty but I also like a bit of anger and aggression. Cristina Scarlat has no mercy for anyone! This is powerful and angsty and generally fabulous. I fear it may get a little lost performing 11th, especially as it will be followed by another powerful ballad from San Marino. Out of the two, I’d take this although it would be nice for Valentina to finally progress through to the final.


To be honest, my 9th and 10th places in this semi final is where I have got all dithery and I’m umming and aaahing over who I’d like to go through. I’m gonna go for The Netherlands as they are bringing something different (country) to the contest, and come the final, diversity in genres makes for a better watch. Like last year, they have upped their game and this deserves to be rewarded.


I kind of wanted to pick Suzy to qualify, but ‘Quero Ser Tua’ just screams outdated Latin pop, and I don’t really think we want that this year at Eurovision. On the other hand, Sergej Cetkovic gives us a beautiful traditional ballad, and he seems like SUCH a sweet guy. He is the penultimate performance, and I’d imagine will fare well with the juries. Go Montenegro!


So that’s my picks for progressing to the final! Roll on Tuesday night!!



Ukraine Ticking

And we have come to the last of our country reviews/previews. UKRAINE! A nation going through some political difficulty at the moment, but one that has been very successful at Eurovision of late. With a 3rd place last year, they are also tipped as one of the favourites in 2014. My favourite Ukrainian entry would have to be the one they won with! WILD DANCES! I remember back in 2004 really not liking the song, but now I LOVE it! How things change! It was so full of energy, the theming and staging was great, and the beat really memorable. Go Ruslana!

Mariya Yaremchuk will represent Ukraine in Copenhagen this year, with the pop number ‘Tick Tock’. This song has really grown on me since it was reworked, and it is very catchy. I am sure it will do well, maybe it will also garner a few sympathy votes for the current crisis. I have to say however that I really dislike the hamster wheel that we have seen in rehearsals. I am not a fan of gimmicks like that and I think it’s unnecessary! But all in all, it’s a good song but not a deserved winner for me.



Is it the UK’s Time?

The UK are another of the Big 4 countries (minus Germany) to have significantly lacked success in Eurovision since the turn of the century. This has largely been due to the lack of credibility given to the contest within the UK, and thus resulting in submitting below par songs and novelty acts. The only two years of late in which the UK have shown their might came in 2009 and 2011, with 5th and 11th placed finishes respectively. Thus proving that it is not political voting and a hatred of the UK that is keeping Britain last, but the UK itself! When Andrew Lloyd Webber composed ‘It’s My Time’ and performed on stage beside Jade Ewen in Moscow, this showed to Europe that the UK took Eurovision seriously. The song was a classic musical theatre song, sung and staged very well and oozing class throughout. A deserved high finish.

2014 may just herald a new era of credibility for Eurovision in the UK. Molly Smitten-Downes, an up and coming singer-songwriter has been chosen by the BBC to give a contemporary edge to the UK entry. And this Molly does very well. ‘Children Of The Universe’ is an anthemic edgy song, sung brilliantly by Molly and currently one of the favourites for the title. The staging looks good so far in rehearsals, so with a strong place in the running order, I feel this will do very well. Could it finally be the UK’s time to win again?!





Looking for a Candidate? Switzerland!

Switzerland have not enjoyed a good record at Eurovision in recent years, finding it a struggle to even qualify for the final. Their last progression came in 2011, with Anna Rossinelli’s charming song ‘In Love For A While’.  This was a sweet, melodic little number but I guess neither dramatic nor memorable enough to garner votes, falling to 25th place in the final.

This year, the Swiss entry will be Sebalter with ‘Hunter Of Stars’. Sebastiano Pau-Lessi is an experienced fiddle player, who has been performing in a country folk band in Switzerland for many years. Now he tries his hand at something different – Eurovision! The whistling is great, the fiddle solo is fabulous, the lyrics are catchy and the tune is jolly! I love it! I think compared to some of the other songs in the contest this year, Sebalter gives us 3 minutes of fun on stage and that whistle just gets stuck in your head. I am a big fan and I hope Switzerland progress to the final as this is their best entry for years. Here is the video for the song, which is a laugh in itself. Spaghetti anyone?

Swedish Success

SWEDEN! One of the BEST and most ICONIC Eurovision nations. They seem to always put great songs into the contest, probably because they have the strongest National Selection process (Melodifestivalen) which is a big contest in itself. Swedes also seem to write practically all the winning Eurovision songs! From Abba to Loreen, they have done it all!

Talking of Loreen, without a doubt ‘Euphoria’ has got to be my favourite Swedish entry of late. It just blew away the 2012 competition! it was so contemporary, so hip, so happening, and with an amazing performance and great vocal there was only ever going to be one winner on the night. This song catapulted its way through the European charts, and I have heard it many a time playing in the clubs in London, something I never thought I’d see happening with a Eurovision song, so a big YAY for that. We’re going up, up, up, up, UP!

Can Sanna Nielsen bring victory back to Sweden this year? She is hotly tipped as one of the favourites with her haunting ballad ‘Undo’. It is classic Eurovision, a ballad starting off slowly and building with power as the song progresses. People have remarked upon its strange lyric ‘Undo my sad’, so I do believe it has been officially changed to ‘Undo my sad love’. I am a fan of the song, but I am not sure it is outstanding enough to claim the trophy. I would however be very happy for Sanna if she did, due to her persistent efforts over the years to be chosen for Eurovision, surely to win the whole thing would just be a dream come true for her! Check out the video below, which in my view is pretty boring but captures the melancholic tone of the song well.