Danish Love Song

I began to write blog posts for Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia AND Cyprus but realised that they had all sadly pulled out of Eurovision this year (Bosnia were also absent in 2013). I will only review countries competing this year for now so I am going to move on to the host nation Denmark.

Now, this is a fabulous Eurovision nation. What a great quality of songs they bring to the contest! I have had quite a tough choice trying to pick a favourite. I liked the message and performance of ‘New Tomorrow’ by A Friend in London (2009) but also the country vibe of ‘Twist of Love’ by Sidsel back in 2006. Not to mention last year’s WINNER Emmelie de Forrest with ‘Only Teardrops’ which was a nice, catchy and sleekly performed number. The Danish selection process is really very strong and these are the well deserved outcomes.

I have opted for ‘Should’ve Known Better’ by Soluna Samay from 2012. I really liked the feel of this song, and I thought the lyrics were quite original. “Now I miss you, like Sahara misses rain”. It actually only came 23rd in Baku!! 23rd?!! I think what let it down was the performance and staging but I don’t think it deserved this low a position. But hey, it’s all a matter of personal preference and this is MY favourite Danish entry of recent years.

On to this year’s entrant. Basim! With ‘Cliché Love Song’. It is fun, vibrant and catchy. A bit Bruno Mars meets Justin Bieber, but I love it. One of my favourites for 2014 and I’d be quite happy if Denmark did the double and won the competition back to back!


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